Almighty Alpacas — All you Need to Know

DeFi Land
10 min readApr 7, 2023


Baby Almighty Alpacas coming on 10.04 on Magic Eden

Let’s Ride! The Almighty Alpacas are stomping their way to DeFi Land, ushering in the next expansion of Play & Earn NFTs. Almighty Alpacas offer layer upon layer of utility: art, the gameplay, or the royalty distributions, you name it. Most importantly, minting an Alpaca lets you own a piece of the game. You can use your Alpaca to play, earn, and join the best GameFi community on the Solana blockchain. Today, we will cover all the details of our Almighty Alpaca mint and a first-look at the Alpaca Dash expansion. Let’s start with a tl;dr of basic info and the only official links:

Baby Almighty Alpaca
  • What are you minting? A Baby Almighty Alpaca, that will grow into a playable Almighty Alpaca. Your baby will preview some of the visual attributes, but you will only see the rarity and full spectrum of attributes when the Almighty Alpaca is revealed. The Almighty Alpaca will unlock Alpaca Dash, a 3D Race & Earn interactive experience. Compete against the game and fellow DeFi Landers in a variety of rulesets and environments to earn $DFL, $GOLDY, and more.
  • Mint Date: Monday, April 10 on Magic Eden, 1PM UTC — Whitelist Mint; 4PM UTC — Public Mint.
  • Supply: 3750 || Price: 3 $SOL
  • Bonuses: Mint 2 Earn and Hold 2 Earn Innovations let you earn a fair share of royalties for your early adoption and commitment to the project.
  • Links: ME Launchpad || Your WL Status || DeFi Land Discord

Note: As people around the world get hyped for the mint, there will be scammers impersonating DeFi Land and our team members. Only use the links above and make sure to take extra precaution during any transactions leading up to the mint. Whitelists can only be won by following the rules in our official #wl-opportunities Discord channel.

Next Level NFTs: Rarity, Genetics, and Skill Trees

Funky Almighty Alpaca

A special quality about our sold-out Gen-0 Utility NFT mint was the price discovery of the various NFTs and attribute rarities. Players accumulated pets and reward attributes, meaning you truly had to be “in the know” to snipe great deals on NFT marketplaces.

The Almighty Alpacas are designed to achieve the same connection between player and NFT while also giving everyone a chance of victory in the game. This means there will be a better balance among NFTs, while still featuring extremely rare and coveted items. Their core attributes will be visual instead of providing game advantages, so we put an extra emphasis on the art (and cuteness) in each one. Majority of Baby Almighty Alpacas will maintain the same skin when they grow, however there is a small (but same) chance for everyone that their Almighty Alpaca becomes mythic. These body/skin types are very rare.

On the other side, Almighty Alpacas will have stats to show overall information, however there are lots of numbers that won’t be shown to the users. Secretly, each alpaca will have a unique genetic profile that can only be discovered by playing to learn their strengths and weaknesses. Yes, before you can Play to Earn you will have to Play to Learn the best strategy for your alpaca. With every race, you can use your experience points in-game to guide your alpaca along its Skill Tree. Choose between progressing its strength, agility, or intelligence path to unlock different skills. Let’s break this down one more time:

  • Attributes: Purely visual aspect of Almighty Alpacas. You will be able to easily spot your Alpaca on the track and be proud to cheer him/her on.
  • Stats: Numbers to show the general information about Alpaca’s abilities and on-track performance.
  • Genetics: Hidden advantages tied to each alpaca. You will have to Play to Learn to discover your alpaca’s unique advantages and develop a strategy around them. Some Alpacas will be faster, stronger, more intelligent and so on.
  • Skills and Skill Tree: As you play with your Alpaca, you will earn experience that can be used to advance along your alpaca’s skill tree. Use the experience from the racing to progress the skill tree in your desired direction to unlock different skills and static advantages. To put it simply, skills will be like League of Legends summoner spells and Skill Tree like WoW or Assassin's Creed skill development.

Alpaca Dash First Look

As we spent countless hours developing the vast array of unique features for our Alpaca NFTs, we continued to upgrade our ambitions for the flagship racing game: Alpaca Dash. The Alpaca Dash experience will look like this:

  • Select, join a lobby and put the entry fee. You will be able to compete against the game and/or other players. There will be multiple races going on at any given time, allowing you to pick the best ruleset and environment for you. Lobbies will show you information like the start time, number of competitors, cost of entry, obstacles, map type, etc.
  • You will have several minutes to prepare for the race. During this time, you can select which skills you want to use for this race. Skills are abilities earned through your skill tree (discussed later on in this article), and can provide specific advantages for different environments and rulesets. There is a fee to drop out of the race, after you lock in your alpaca.
  • The game is idle, but designed to be absolutely thrilling. There are always chances for epic comebacks and unexpected takeovers. Keep an eye on the prize!
  • Rewards will be allocated to the winners, depending on the lobby rules. All alpacas will receive XP that can be used to advance on their skill trees. There will be a small percent of each game that goes back to the DeFi Land ecosystem (used for burns and game rewards).
Lights out and away we go!

Alpaca Dash will be our first expansion into our new Player-vs-Player (PvP) model. This is huge because it allows us to reward players and burn tokens without unlocking or minting new tokens. True to our Play & Earn philosophy, our core focus was on the game itself. So, what will make Alpaca Dash the leader in idle racing games?

  • The Almighty Alpacas, themselves: Okay, so we’ve already covered the attributes, genetics, and skill trees of the Almighty Alpacas. But it’s worth saying it one more time. The Almighty Alpacas will be the key to why we are not just some horse racing game. Their unique visuals, secret advantages, and strategic skill trees will be the driving force of Alpaca Dash. It’s not just another utility NFT, you will be able to rep your alpacas as PFP on social media, with the high quality renders, gifs, cover pictures and more.
Weather and Obstacles in Alpaca Dash
  • Racing Environments: Race in the desert, tundra, forest, mountains, and more! Alpaca Dash will feature a multitude of beautiful race tracks, each in a unique biome. You will learn which environment your alpaca loves the most, and then you can use that to your advantage. Each race track will have a spectrum of variables, including wind, temperature, and rain, along with obstacles like ice, mud, rocks, and sand.
  • Rulesets and Lobbies: Suppose you think you really have your alpaca figured out. You know exactly the environment he needs and the competition he craves. Lobbies are sorted based on environment, reward pool, and rulesets so you can find the perfect race for you. Rulesets are perhaps the most interesting piece here. Different lobbies will have themes that allow every alpaca to have a chance. There will be “losers lobbies” for the weaker alpacas trying to get their first win, lobbies that restrict alpacas to a certain overall level, and total free-for-alls for the top performers. These lobbies will be updated over time.
  • Race for the Crown: Throughout each day, certain races will be randomly selected to earn your Alpaca the crown. When a king is named, that alpaca carries the crown with them to future races. King races will have larger prize pools for the challengers. Both King and other racers will be incentivized to race actively.
  • Race for Revenge: Another goal for added fun in Alpaca Dash is Revenge modes. If you lose consecutively to the same opponents, you have a chance to get revenge bonuses. This makes your alpaca slightly more competitive and incentivizes you to keep trying to make it to the podium.
  • Grand Tournaments: Every month, we will host several day long tournaments which will include racing on all type of track with various rules. The prizes will be massive and will also be livestreamed to the community.
  • Betting: Maybe you have an Alpaca but want to put some more coins? Maybe you want to cheer another Alpaca in a different race? Maybe you just want to compete without racing? Well, that’s why betting on Alpaca races, even if you don’t own any is coming.
  • Cross Collection Ambitions: Alpaca Dash is designed to accommodate cross-collectible races. We will be open to future partnerships, allowing your favorite collections to race alongside our alpacas.
Some Secret Notes from Game Design Document
  • A lot more features coming: We don’t want to spoil everything, so will keep some other exciting game components secret. However, there will be lots of exciting and hidden components that you will be unlocking by racing more.

Why Should you Mint a Baby Almighty Alpaca?

Mythic Alpaca Leak

Our priority in this mint is to introduce an extremely scarce supply of Almighty Alpacas to our loyal community. We are releasing just 1/8th of NFTs compared to our previous sold-out mint. You can only play Alpaca Dash if you are an Almighty Alpaca holder. This first generation of Alpacas will never have to retire, but they can be bred to produce future generations. These future generations will age and lose their ability to race over time. By minting now, you will be among the few who wield immortal Alpacas. But there’s more…way more. Mint 2 Earn and Hold 2 Earn offer two completely new innovations to our ecosystem that give you a big reason to mint and hold your NFTs.

  • Mint 2 Earn: OG farmers who mint baby alpacas will earn 20% of royalties on that alpaca in perpetuity. There will be a standard 5% royalty enforced on our marketplace on each transaction. In perpetuity = FOR LIFE. Every sale of your alpaca will earn you 20% of royalties for eternity.
  • Hold 2 Earn: Once Hold 2 Earn benefits kick in, you will earn 1% bonus royalties for each week you hold after the Almighty Alpaca reveal until you are earning 100% of the royalties. When an alpaca reaches 100% royalties distributed back to the players, the newest holder will begin taking royalty share from the oldest holder.
  • Example 1: Bob mints a Baby Almighty Alpaca. If he sells right away, he will earn 20% of the royalties. If he sells after 20 weeks, he will earn 40% of royalties. If he sells after 80 or more weeks, he will earn 100% of royalties.
  • Example 2: Alice purchases an Almighty Alpaca that was minted and has been held by John for 50 weeks. John makes 70% of royalties from that sale. If Alice holds for 30 weeks and then sells, she will earn 30% of royalties and John will earn 70% of royalties. However, if Alice holds for more than 30 weeks, she will begin taking away from John’s royalties. Because John minted, he will always earn 20% of the royalties. Alice purchased on the secondary market, meaning she can earn up to 80% of the royalties by holding.

We decided to distribute our royalties to the backbone of your community: you. We strive to be a blue-chip game, ecosystem, and brand that shares the spoils of our hard work with our dedicated community. Our royalty innovation is a gesture to that purpose and the people that make this game possible.

The Almighty Alpaca Roadmap

Alpaca Dash will be an integral part of our ecosystem moving forward. We will make this game the best it can possibly be and unload new amazing features regularly. Below you’ll find our amazing illustrated roadmap:

Discover the roadmap of the Almighty Alpacas. Some hints to help you navigate the road ahead: BTC ordinals, high-res pfps, collabs, bonus game modes and race tracks, mobile, multi-chain, moon.

Become a Part of the Legend

The greatest rewards are earned by those with courage, a trait that has no threshold of strength nor cunning. This trait requires only a dream and the passion to adventure forth in life to achieve it. DeFi Land was built on the back of courage. Thanks to your support, we are a Top 3 Game in the world, with an unparalleled track record of game development and NFT utility. The DeFi Land story so far is a tale of great adversity, resilience, and a stroke of luck that has allowed us to build an ecosystem of endless opportunity. Will you join us in the Almighty Alpaca mint?

Want to learn more about DeFi Land?

DeFi Land is a unique, multi-chain agriculture-simulation game created to gamify all aspects of decentralized finance. We have a proven track record of delivering the very best in GameFi. Our mission is to make it simple and easy for anyone to take part in the exciting world of DeFi and crypto.



DeFi Land

Gamified Decentralized Finance🚜Bringing DeFi to the masses —